mgp2odp : converter from Magicpoint (mgp) to OpenOffice Impress (odp)


"mgp2odp" is a perl script (trying) to convert Magicpoint presentation file (mgp) to OpenOffice Impress file (odp) by OpenOffice::OODoc module.

Do you want to convert your Magicpoint presentation to the MS PowerPoint presentation?
"mgp2odp" might help you, 'cause Impress can generate PPT output. You can try something like

"original.mgp" --(mgp2odp)-> "odp file" --(Impress)-> "ppt file"
then, you'll have something, at least, a template in ppt format.

At version 1.1, "mgp2odp" can handle only plain text presentation.
At version 1.2, images can be imported (but not properly placed).
At version 1.4, font-style, text-color, positioning, and continuation can be handled.
See the demonstrations below.


download/how to use

  1. grab mgp2odp.txt,
  2. rename it to "mgp2odp" (or whatever),
  3. put the excute bit (chmod +x mgp2odp), if you want, and type "./mgp2odp your.mgp"
    or give it to perl as "perl mgp2odp your.mgp",
  4. hopefully, you'll have "your.odp" there!

Currently, "mgp2odp" takes one argument, the mgp file (as above).
The result odp file will be at the current directory (or the same place of the mgp with the extension "odp" in version 1.1).




inserted by FC2 system